Climate Jobs in Tech

published on 04 April 2024

Looking to make a real impact in the battle against climate change through your tech skills? The surge in ClimateTech jobs offers a unique opportunity for tech professionals to contribute meaningfully to the environment. Here's a quick guide to understanding, finding, and thriving in climate jobs within the tech industry:

  • Explore job platforms like Climatebase, Work on Climate, and Climate Tech List for opportunities.
  • Understand ClimateTech's scope, which spans renewable energy, carbon removal, smart cities, and more.
  • Dive into specific job roles such as software engineers, data scientists, and project managers tailored for ClimateTech.
  • Compare job platforms for their unique offerings, geographical focus, and ease of access.
  • Consider the pros and cons of different platforms catering to nature-focused jobs, general climate tech positions, and community-driven opportunities.

Quick Comparison:

Platform Focus Unique Offerings Geographical Focus
NatureTech Jobs Jobs aiding nature and the environment Remote work, jobs for beginners Mostly US
General Climate Tech Sites Broad range of climate tech areas Job variety, industry news Global, but mainly tech cities
Climate Tech Communities Networking and collaboration Mentorship, job alerts Big tech cities
Recruitment/Resources Direct job connections Interview prep, mentorship programs Major cities worldwide

As the climate crisis deepens, the demand for skilled professionals in ClimateTech is expected to grow significantly. Whether you're a software engineer, data scientist, or project manager, there's a place for you to use your skills for a greater good. Start exploring these opportunities today and be part of the solution to one of the world's most pressing challenges.

Exploring ClimateTech Job Roles

ClimateTech companies are making all kinds of new jobs to help solve the climate crisis. Let's look at some of the main jobs and what you need to know to do them:

Software Engineers

Software engineers are super important for making the apps and systems that ClimateTech uses. Things you need to know include:

  • How to code in languages like JavaScript, Python, Java
  • How to use cloud services like AWS, Azure, GCP
  • How to work in teams using Agile methods
  • Basics of AI and machine learning

As a software engineer in a ClimateTech company, you might work on projects that manage renewable energy, predict climate changes, keep track of carbon, or make supply chains more eco-friendly.

Data Scientists

Data scientists help ClimateTech by making sense of lots of data. They need skills like:

  • Understanding data and making models
  • Working with big sets of data
  • Using programming languages like Python, R
  • Machine learning

Data scientists are important in many areas of ClimateTech. They help figure out weather patterns, how to use energy better, track carbon emissions, and more.

Project Managers

Project managers make sure ClimateTech projects go smoothly. They need to be good at:

  • Working with different people
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Seeing risks ahead of time
  • Using Agile methods

Project managers are key to getting big projects done, like starting new green energy sources or helping businesses be more sustainable.

The need for people in ClimateTech is growing in almost every area, from engineering to policy making to finance. With more focus on solving climate problems, jobs in ClimateTech are expected to keep growing. These jobs often need you to know a lot about the climate as well as have special tech skills to turn ideas into real solutions.

Comparative Analysis of ClimateTech Job Platforms

1. NatureTech Jobs

Job sector coverage

NatureTech Jobs is all about jobs that help the environment, especially in keeping land and oceans safe. This includes jobs like:

  • Checking on forests, wildlife, and how ecosystems are doing
  • Helping capture carbon from the air and using it in good ways
  • Making sure products like palm oil are made without hurting nature
  • Studying the DNA of animals that are at risk of disappearing
  • Using drones and satellites to look at nature from above

While it shares some common ground with the bigger climate tech world, NatureTech Jobs is more focused on using nature to fight climate change, not just tech to lower emissions.

Geographical focus

The site lists jobs from all over, including ones you can do from anywhere. But, most of the jobs and companies it talks about are in the US.

Unique offerings

NatureTech Jobs is special because it's the first job site that's all about fixing problems with nature. It offers:

  • Easy ways to find the right job, whether you're into software, science, or business
  • A spotlight on new companies that are using nature to make a difference
  • Opportunities to work from home and jobs for people just starting out

Ease of access

The website is easy to use. You can look for jobs by what you're good at, where you want to work, and other things that matter to you. You can also sign up to get job alerts every month. Finding a job that helps nature is pretty straightforward with NatureTech Jobs.

2. General Climate Tech Job Sites

Job sector coverage

General climate tech job sites list many kinds of jobs that all aim to tackle climate change with technology. This includes jobs in areas like:

  • Renewable energy - Jobs that work on creating clean energy from the sun, wind, and the earth.
  • Clean transportation - Jobs focused on making vehicles that don't pollute, like electric cars, and the stuff needed for them like batteries and places to charge them.
  • Carbon removal/management - Jobs that help take out carbon from the air or manage it better.
  • Energy efficiency - Jobs that make things like buildings and lights use less energy.
  • Sustainable food & agriculture - Jobs that look at growing food in cities, making fertilisers that don't harm the environment, and studying soil.

These sites are great for tech folks who want to help fight climate change because they offer jobs in many different areas.

Geographical focus

These job sites have jobs from all over the world, but most of them are in places where there's a lot of support and money for climate change efforts. Some of the top places for these jobs are:

  • United States (especially California)
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union
  • China
  • Canada
  • Australia

In the US, places like the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, Seattle, New York, and Los Angeles have a lot of these jobs.

Unique offerings

What makes these job sites special compared to regular job sites is:

  • Climate focus - All the jobs are at companies that are really into fighting climate change with new ideas and technology.
  • Emerging companies - They show jobs at new startups as well as big companies, giving you a chance to join growing companies early.
  • Job filters - They have tools that let you find the exact kind of job you're looking for, based on what you're interested in, where you want to work, and more.
  • Original research - Some sites also share reports on how much money is going into different areas like clean energy.

Ease of access

Finding the right job on these sites is pretty straightforward because:

  • They have easy-to-use websites that look and work like other job sites you might have used.
  • You can set up alerts to tell you when new jobs that match what you're looking for get posted.
  • Applying for jobs is simple and can often be done right from the site.
  • They work well on phones too, so you can look for jobs on the go.

So, if you're looking to use your tech skills to help the planet, these general climate tech job sites are a good place to start.

3. Climate Tech Jobs Communities

Job sector coverage

Climate tech jobs communities are all about bringing people together who work on climate tech projects. They focus on a wide range of jobs, from creating renewable energy and improving transportation to farming smarter and developing materials that are better for the environment. They also include roles in policy-making and media.

Geographical focus

These communities are found all over the world but are most active in big cities known for tech and green initiatives, like San Francisco, New York, London, and Berlin. Many people in these communities work remotely, too.

Unique offerings

What's special about these communities is that they:

  • Help people from different companies and jobs connect over their shared goal of fighting climate change
  • Give advice and mentoring specific to climate tech careers
  • Point out new and exciting job opportunities in the field
  • Organise training and events just for climate tech
  • Encourage members to work together

Ease of access

Joining these communities and getting involved is pretty easy because they offer:

  • Online groups and social media channels
  • Public events, talks, and conferences
  • Special programs for people who aren't well-represented in tech
  • Simple ways to sign up and become a member

In short, these communities make it easier for anyone interested in climate tech to find people, ideas, and jobs.

4. Climate Tech Jobs Recruitment/Resources

Job sector coverage

This area helps link people looking for work with jobs in climate tech. This includes work in renewable energy, making transportation cleaner, handling carbon better, farming in eco-friendly ways, building greener spaces, and more.

Geographical focus

These job help platforms are all over the world but are mostly found in big cities known for tech and caring about the environment. Places like San Francisco, New York, London, Berlin, Shanghai, Sydney, and Toronto are hotspots.

Unique offerings

Here's what makes these job helpers stand out:

  • They give you a direct way to find job openings at companies that are growing fast
  • They have special programs to help people from groups that don't get enough chances
  • They work with schools and coding camps to help new grads get their first jobs
  • They help find top people for big jobs in climate tech
  • They offer help with preparing for interviews, understanding what salary to expect, and moving for a job

Ease of access

Getting into these job resources is pretty easy:

  • You can look through jobs, pick what you're interested in, and apply right on their websites
  • If you're new to the field, you can fill out a form to join a training program that fits what you like and what you're good at
  • If you want a mentor, you just have to share a bit about yourself to get matched with someone
  • If you're already doing well in your career but looking for something new, you can get in touch directly

All in all, these resources make it easier to find jobs that matter in climate tech. They're here to help whether you're just starting out or have lots of experience.

Pros and Cons

Let's look at the good and bad points of different places to find climate tech jobs:

Platform Pros Cons
NatureTech Jobs - Focuses on jobs that help nature and the environment
- Shows new companies working on these issues
- Offers remote work and jobs for beginners
- Mostly lists jobs related to nature, not all climate tech areas
- Mostly jobs in the US
General Climate Tech Sites - Covers a lot of different climate tech areas
- Has jobs from both new companies and big ones
- You can search for jobs that fit what you're looking for
- Shares the latest news on the industry
- Can be a lot to look through because there are so many jobs
- Most jobs are in big cities known for tech
Climate Tech Communities - Lets you meet people who care about the same things
- Offers help with learning and finding jobs
- Tells you about new job chances
- Encourages working together
- Mainly active in big tech cities
- You need to join in and talk to people to get the most out of it
Recruitment/Resources - Connects you directly to growing companies
- Has special help for people who often get left out
- Offers advice for people looking for their first job
- Gives tips on interviews and what pay to expect
- Focuses on a smaller range of jobs
- Might be harder to get these jobs

NatureTech Jobs is great if you really want to work on projects that help nature. But, it's mostly for people looking for jobs in the US and in specific areas like protecting ecosystems.

General climate tech sites give you a lot of options across different parts of climate tech, like renewable energy or electric cars. It's good if you want to see what's out there. However, it might feel overwhelming and most jobs are in the big tech cities.

Communities are all about connecting with others who are into climate tech. They can help you learn, find jobs, and work with others on projects. But, you have to be active in these groups to really benefit.

Recruitment/resources are for when you're ready to find a job at a company that's growing fast. They help with the job search, especially if you're new or from a group that doesn't get many chances in tech. The jobs here might be more specific and harder to get.

Each place has its own strengths, whether you're looking for a wide range of job options, want to connect with others, or need specific help getting into the field. Choose the one that fits what you're looking for.


The Future of Climate Jobs in Tech

The world of climate tech is just getting started but it's growing fast because more companies want to help fight climate change with new technology. Here's a look at what's next for jobs in this area:

Continued Strong Growth

Climate tech is booming. A report by PwC says that climate tech companies got over $87.5 billion in 2021, which is almost twice as much as the year before. This growth isn't slowing down. More money means more new companies and more jobs for people like software developers, data scientists, project managers, and others.

Increasing Business Adoption

As the effects of climate change get worse, regular businesses are starting to care more about being green. This means they need people to help them do it, like:

  • Chief Sustainability Officers
  • Sustainability Managers
  • Carbon Accounting Specialists
  • ESG Data Analysts

Tools and solutions from climate tech are important for these companies to be more eco-friendly on a big scale.

New Regulatory Frameworks

Countries are making new rules and standards about climate change. For example, the EU is working on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the US has the Inflation Reduction Act which includes money for climate tech. These changes mean there's a need for jobs like:

  • Policy Experts
  • Regulatory Analysts
  • Sustainability Auditors
  • Carbon Market Specialists

Climate Tech Going Mainstream

Big tech companies and the media are paying more attention to climate tech. For example, Microsoft has a $1 billion Innovation Fund for carbon reduction technologies. This attention helps bring in more people to work in this field.

Big names like Google, Apple, Amazon are also looking for people to work in sustainability roles, from engineering to business development.

In short, climate tech is creating more job opportunities as industries take climate change more seriously. If you care about sustainability, now is a great time to use your skills to make a difference.


The world of climate tech and sustainability is growing fast because more companies and industries see the need to act on climate change. This means there are lots of new job opportunities for people who want to use technology to help the environment.

Here's a quick look at the different places you can find these kinds of jobs, and what makes each one special:

  • NatureTech Jobs focuses on jobs that help protect the environment, like keeping forests and oceans healthy, and finding new ways to remove carbon from the air.
  • General climate tech sites have a wide range of jobs in things like renewable energy, making transportation cleaner, and more. They list jobs at both new companies and big, established ones.
  • Climate tech communities are great for meeting other people who are working on climate projects. They offer help with learning new things, finding jobs, and working together on projects.
  • Recruitment platforms and resources connect you directly with fast-growing climate companies and give advice on getting a job.

When deciding where to look for a climate tech job, think about the kind of work you want to do, where you want to do it, and if you need any special support or advice.

As more companies start to focus on climate change, these jobs will keep growing. So, if you're interested in technology and want to help the planet, there are plenty of opportunities to do that.

What does climate tech do?

Climate tech is all about finding smart ways to fight climate change. It includes stuff like:

  • Getting energy from the sun, wind, and the earth.
  • Storing energy in big batteries.
  • Catching harmful gases before they get into the air.
  • Making cars and buses that don't pollute.
  • Using technology to use less power.
  • Growing food in ways that don't hurt the planet.
  • Creating new, eco-friendly materials.
  • Keeping an eye on the environment with special tools.

Basically, climate tech is about coming up with smart ideas to take better care of our planet.

How do I start a career in climate technology?

Want to work in climate tech? Here's how to get started:

  • Check out job boards like Climatebase for job openings.
  • Join online groups where people talk about climate tech jobs.
  • Learn new things through courses or training programs about the environment.
  • Go to meetups to meet people who work in climate tech.
  • Brush up on skills like data analysis or policy making.
  • Make sure your resume talks about any green projects you've worked on.
  • Think about internships at companies that focus on the environment.

Here are some jobs that help fight climate change:

  • Climate scientist - They study the weather and how it's changing.
  • Environmental engineer - They come up with green tech and buildings.
  • Environmental lawyer - They deal with laws about the environment.
  • Renewable energy engineer - They work on clean energy like solar power.
  • Sustainability consultant - They help companies be more green.
  • Carbon analyst - They figure out how much pollution companies make.
  • Climate policy expert - They think of ways to reduce pollution.
  • Conservation scientist - They work to protect nature.

What are the verticals in climate tech?

The main areas in climate tech are:

  • Energy - Like solar power and smart energy systems
  • Transportation - Such as electric cars and green fuels
  • Agriculture - Includes farming that's good for the planet
  • Industrial - Making things in a way that's less harmful
  • Climate & Carbon - Working on ways to remove or manage harmful gases

These areas are where new tech is popping up to help us live in a way that's better for the Earth.

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